Know Your Rights

Sunday, May 3, 2009

No More Dead Soldiers!

We are finally seeing some movement to bring an end to what seemed an endless occupation of Iraq, but at the same time as the Obama administration is putting an end to one of the largest mistakes of the Bush era we see Obama taking some major steps in the wrong direction. I'm talking about Afghanistan. We have been in Afghanistan since 2001 (two years longer than in Iraq), and yet no one is talking about it. The war in Afghanistan is just as impossible as the war in Iraq was irresponsible. The purpose of the war in Afghanistan seems to have been an attempt to squash the Taliban and Al-Qaeda, and it has been remarkably unsuccessful. With military men and women who have little to no knowledge of the culture or language of the Afghan people, and no way to distinguish between Taliban members and civilians the war has been remarkably unsuccessful in making Afghanistan or the world safer. Too many Americans and Afghans have died in this ghost hunt, and it needs to end. There is, as Afghan war veteran Reyes said, no military solution for what is a political problem. Afghan people are joining the Taliban because of the American military presence which has destroyed their homes and families. They join the Taliban because they face major economic instability in the region. No mount of bloodshed or bullets will end this war. We need to stop throwing away the lives of American servicemen and women, and innocent Afghan civilians.

Here are some educational videos on the situation in Afghanistan and why Obama's escalation of the amount of troops in Afghanistan is not the way to go. The videos contain interviews with Afghan people, veterans of the war, and experts in the region.

For more information about the war in Afghanistan go to, and click on the button on the
right of this screen.

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